
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Friday, April 10

Kanye still doesn't get it

Ok, so if you ever get made of on South Park for having a screw-ball Napoleon complex and don't get it, that's fine.

But then you struggle like a 17 year old kid from a meth-home trying to get a 50% pass on an Essay focused on MacBeth. Apparently Kanye thought it was funny and has gone through the process of informing his fans of his agenda that includes "[MAKING] PEOPLE BELIEVE [HE'S] NOT ACTUALLY A HUGE DOUCHE"

I really don't think you get the joke, Kanye. But this is what Matt and Trey were expecting. If Kanye had deviated from this at all it would have seemed much less desperate.
Caps lock. Really? Writing this in full caps lock. You're retarded.
This really was a surprising thing to see. The internet is home to strange and wonderful, but this is really odd.
I hope I'm looking foolish here and it wasn't him personally but judging by the comments on the Digg submission and his blog that seems wishful. The positive thing is that he's not suing or worse.