
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Monday, April 6

Eeny Teeny Maya Moe

This season is shipping up to include some of the best episodes ever. I'm saying that as a Simpsons-Child (circa. 1988) and having experienced a lifetime of Simpsons episodes these recent episodes starting with Gone Maggie Gone from about 5 weeks ago.

The new 720p standard has actually raised the bar in other respects we are seeing.
This week's episode stars an A-plot with Moe. This is his best performance in drama. He loses faith at the end, but things are turned around with just truly original conception. Moe's fragility is a recurring theme. But he is rewarded at the end with some good advice.
This one is Emmy-worthy. The most emotional episode yet.