
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Saturday, April 11

A favorite movie scene

Ok, so I'm rewatching Pulp Fiction. This is probably in my Top 5 list of movies.
I want to talk about the scene with Mia and Vincent Vega. When they get to the restaurant. The swoop that follows Vincent as he makes his entrance.

Incidentally catches the entire elaborate set and hundreds of stand ins.
Anyway, the point Mia makes during that bit of dialogue is that human communication through silence is equally as good as language. Especially for the more subtle forms of communication. When we're trying to communicate interest or love - as she was with Vincent.

She also argues that making conversation for the sake of avoiding silence is redundant.
This are things that I believe in.
I'm happy a movie as popular as Pulp Fiction takes the time to point this out.