
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Tuesday, January 12

Lance's T-Shirt

I just noticed something in Pulp Fiction which has no-doubt been noticed by countless others.

Anyway, I thought it was interesting that Tarantino included this shirt in the wardrobe of Lance, the drug dealer aptly played by Eric Stoltz. What's more neat is that Tarantino was quoted last fall showing interest in the racing genre as a full length picture. Which he sort of did with Death Proof in twenty odd-seven.

Would it not have been super if he challenged the story of Speed Racer instead? When that early trailer came out I was sure there would be some neat brain-Mach 5 interface included in the plot. But oh no. Had to stay PG...
Joel Silver learns from his mistakes though...