
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Monday, January 11

Animal Observation and Technology

In the centuries past, the development of spherical optics and gallelios astronomical telescope being repurposed as a terrestrial sighting device allowed the development of bird watching and the observation of land mammals.

Photography and its advent inspired the formation of some classical institutions devoted to the act of observation, for instance National Geographic.

Then we invented the submersible. And King James Cameron conquered this technology observing more and more of the wonders hidden hundereds of meters below the surface.

I would like to postulate on one concept available for our future. What if we identify life on other worlds? For instance, what if we find species of animals living in the clouds of Jupiter? Or live below the frozen oceans of Europa? Should we then send teams of either men or remotely operated machine to investigate and record these findings? Would that be the extension of what we're cataloging today?