
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Wednesday, August 12

'I drink to my Annihilation'

Ok, this is a preface to stream of recorded thought.
Please excuse the disparity between my thoughts and my words. Their reconciliation will occur at the point where I become a world-class writer.

I drink to my annihilation is an Aldous Huxley quote.
It was inscribed on the Soma-cup that was passed around in one scene or another in Brave New World. Alex Jones said in his film Endgame that the modern US culture stems from what was featured in that book.

That BNW is a blueprint for the way things are going.
Transhumanism is here for us though, Alex.

I don't know why Alex Jones is hostile towards the ideas of H+, but I agree with him that it's a product of globalization.

So, what do I need to do. What are the main ideas of transhumanism and how can I integrate them into my life? The bottom line is I need to write about every single hole in modern day society transhumanism beams through.
Whether its the enormous fact that all systems consist more and more of data only, or if its intelligent design. Calling out the trans formative nature of man, and the essential goals of humanity that are quite dark and concealed.

I drink to my annihilation is reminiscent of the term 'immanentize the eschaton' which has become trade mark with Will Gibsons new comic Doktor Sleepless.

I have also to acknowledge some other facts, more John Morgan specific, that I tend to be slightly off center on the lightness-darkness chart - in that I'm slightly more comfortable thinking about the negative consequence then the positive. This means I constantly consider the negative reward of transhumanistic thinking than the positive. Or the reward being more valuable if only I can take advantage of it.

But these ideas in popular culture, and even in the pioneering for the idea of transhumanism, seem stronger when they are true to bother the negative and positive consequences. Saying that Transhumanstic thinking and the singularity are the apocalypse reinforce the skeptics position. But also, inspire optimism. for if the world is destroyed then we are finally able to build it in whichever way we see fit.

The future of our species and the merger with machine is the most powerful idea throughout recorded human history. Important ideas are only important if they're also dangerous.

More notes to benefit myself: I need to form a blog on the dark side of the transhumanism movement.
Having said that, I am devoted to creating a transhumanism manifesto. A piece of writing that includes outlines for all proposed technology and current research. It would expose how these ideas relate to the current and future Western social climate including how quickly new trends catch on.
I'm tempted to title such a document: "Countdown to the end of Humanity" and I'm planning it will kick off the new grinding blog.
This blog may or may not be the home of the Human Recording Project, and I'm still deciding whether or not to link it to an instructibles account.