
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Wednesday, August 12

About a years worth of drafts...

Ok, so this is another big update, like the one below.
I am going to take from the 10-11 updates - which were never published - a few ideas and express them here.

1) Germany, The Singularity and WWII.
I am not a historical scholar, but I do tend to befriend people who are because of our mutual interest in a very, very militant transhumanist named Adolf Hitler. The connections made in this post were along the lines of Hilter being motivated the same way I and other H+ thinkers are motivated - a new world which belonged to something more than human. The argument was outlined to create distinct parallels between Kurzweil's masterpiece The Singularity is Near. The chapter I focused on is titled 'the promise and peril of GNR'.
Genetics, Nanotech, and Robotics.
If these are the ingrediants for a new world order circa 2009 than the German regime of the 30's and 40's was quite ahead of the curve. The robotics applications were contracted to IBM. One of the biggest information-based contracts of the time. Nanotech was in the shadows mostly, but you could go so far to say that tattoos are in some form nanotech related. Especially when you consider the logistics of tattooing countries of people.
And lastly, Hilter was a supporter of genetic superiority through misguided racial means.
That's that argument, there may be some more to study. We can learn alot from the past.*

2) TV is dead...
and online distribution is finally picking up speed now that bandwidth is cheap. This means the service provider model will change, and eventually if more networks decide to produce online media, net neutrality could again be an issue.
imagine though all that revenue dissapearing from all these service providers. Most, however (Shaw, ATT, Rogers) all provide internet service as well. But when talent like Will Farell and Danny McBride create enough buzz online only for HBO to renew Eastbound and Down for a second season... well no one in their right mind could dispute that's progress.

3) Microsoft Photosynth
Is a pioneer in holographic technology circa the 2020's.
It's a system that demonstrates what will be capable when we've made a little bit more progress with shrinking the transistor. Eventually a system of location aware cameras of incredibly high sensor density could capture an entire event in 3D using the same tactics. Basically bullet time + insane processing power will give us the recording method used in th film (retitle to 'entertainment') industry.

4) Clothing
made from luminescent material that can display different information and clean itself will be amazingly helpful and will be yet something more which will reduce pollution.

That's pretty much the cream of the unpublished crop for this blog of mine.
I bet no one can wait until this time next year for another half-assed batch of reject-ideas.
*(Please, avoid miscontrueing my words. Hitler was an evil sinner. I'm not defending his actions with my H+friendly attitude.)