
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Monday, December 8

Merry Christmas, Christmas, Christmas and Another

A review of a non-memorable movie.

I have checked out the new Vince Vaughn picture. You see internet dwellers, I was afraid he had dried up and was no longer in the business we call show, but alas he's breathing and was walking just 2 weeks ago down the red carpet to the premier of his new film Four Christmases.

Wait John, Vince isn't the only guy in this picture. But he's on screen most of the time.
He's having a go with his wife, she's pushing for a committed marriage, but he's returning with "Kids suck balls, I don't want any! And marriage? Fahgettabotit"
That's Vince Vaughn's character and attitude for most of the movie.

Till Jon Voight shows up and smacks some sense into him and gets the Christmas spirit working properly.

Halfway through this movie you realize the jokes have stopped.
This is a terrible realization because it makes going home like a very appealing idea, but I already paid at the box office and have my 5 dollar soda. I'll stay.
All star cast - they must be taking a paycut all being in front of the camera.
Ebert gave it two stars but complained that both Tim McGraw (Vince's brother)and Dwight Yoakam (Pastor Phil) aren't singing. I didn't know Yoakam was an accomplished singer. I only know him as "I'm Raoul" from Panic Room where a terrified Jodi Foster barricaded herself and her daughter in a steel box and as Doc Miles from Crank.
I liked both flicks, thought he was a good actor and I've been excited to see where this spunky, grey-haired Pollack was going to go next.
He had maybe 6 lines.
OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration but I was sad to not see him as more.
1 star, two thumbs down and Tim McGraw, bro sorry to say, but this is the most appropriate time to end your acting career. Stop giving Hollywood these bad ideas about cage fighting family Christmases. It's scary and it should be in a depressing country song rather than a million dollar picture.

Currently Four Christmases is number 1 in the box office and has grossed $69.4 million.