
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Friday, December 19

A Blossoming

Ok, so some of you might know what my old job was in my past life. IT Support as a contractor to the IBM office in Toronto to corporate AT&T users.

Another detail: this was my old job - I was let go about a month ago due to performance and cut backs. It happens, right?

The man that helped me get my foot in the door is now facing the loss of his job.
You see AT&T can't afford the service offered by Canadian agents - this has happened before.
They have made a cost cutting decision to move more people to India. Outsourcing. The glass-ceiling. All that.

So, my good friend will likely loose his job because the fat cats don't want to sacrifice any of their comforts - this is the system we as humans have designed.
God fuck are we a pitiful species or what.

But then this happened:

No internet in India - no outsourcing.
Money, money, money, money down the drain.

So, talk about bad luck, eh AT&T?

PS Fuck you AT&T - I dont work for you anymore and all your employee's are the biggest fucktards on the planet. No room for incompetence in the New World Order, but here we are. I hope that corporation dies and dies hard.