
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Monday, March 1

Something that bugs me...

I guess this is a rant combined with a lesson.

The Rant: Social Networking websites are really excellent tools for exposing talent. Both showing off and being seen, they're really quite ground breaking. Having been involved in a couple of these communities I've got a couple hang ups. I feel like I'm not taking advantage of one of the key features - whore your creations out to different groups. I'm not sure if its something to criticize in other users: submitting a photo or video to 50+ groups to get 40 views. Perhaps it's the opposite: I'm not talented enough to get alot of views. Also, I don't know many intellectuals to converse about my passions. In any case I choose to not whore out my photos like crazy.

The Lesson: I don't spread my photos to more than two, maybe three groups because it reminds me why I do what I do. I take photos because it's something that makes me happy. I enjoy the technical challenge more than the challenge of capturing an emotion.

I value creative dialogue, but I find that's very difficult to find on flickr. I don't know if it's a communal pretentious attitude or my expectations being projected.

I don't want to appear as though view counts matter to me, but I do yearn for educated, positive reinforcement.

Above: John + Overabundance of Thought