I respect this charismatic persona, but it's almost a giant reminder than it's not at all about the director sometimes. Sometimes it's what the people want and the well-educated snobs (I apologize for generalizing so much) will often be afraid of creating just that.
Bay doesn't seem concerned, what with his lucky streak, but I think of Spielberg and Close Encounters. Not a new idea. Poorly executed, though dramatic, very predictable. It was just a recycled story with recycled characters and concepts from stories 30 years old at the time. Aliens come. They leave. Duh. But the people wanted to see it with the intense production value.
Transformers is the same. Some cartoon a 20-something Bay enjoyed watching. Old characters, unoriginal story, but the people gobble it up.
I'm not defending the notion that originality is dead, but you must acknowledge that some films do better without it.
Monday, November 30
M. Bay and Me
Posted by John at 11/30/2009 12:07:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: film review
Sunday, November 22
My inspiration
I'm 21. I'm not rich, people haven't started paying me for my taste of crazy yet.
I imagine it will be a while before they do, but I need to at least define what my crazy is.
My crazy is my experience with the human condition. Murder and betrayal. The love hasn't been experienced in a dose which matches in intensity. So, I'm 21. I am what I am.
My crazy could bear to see certain things happen that most people couldn't. I understand revenge, but I don't condone it. Revenge consumes the soul, and it has consumed me. I work to be free of my vengeful thoughts, but they're constant. I can only learn to accept them, as I must accept my mothers murder.
I don't understand many things. I can't find the bright side very easily.
I understand growth. I understand evolution and the cold, calculated process it uses.
The man who brought murder into my life wasn't the world we're taught in public school. It wasn't the world all these freshmen I'm supposed to be friends with live in.
It was the real world. And the real world is not built on love and generosity. These are tiny pockets scattered around the globe that sometimes get together to do great things.
The things accomplished in history by love are absolutely minute compared to what fear, and greed can accomplish. These solitary forces have more effect on the world.
I might be wrong, but so far this model stands up. I feel like I'm the only one who understands this model, and that scares me. I see 99% of the world as people who could never reconcile with this idea, 0.9% as crazy misfits who don't contribute and 0.1% are the movers and shakers.
I want nothing more than to use this rationale, this model I believe in to help me in the future, but so far... I worry I'm wrong.
I'm not saying I want to live a life of greed and fear. And being aware of these on the scale I've witnessed isn't easy. The line is very hard to see.
I see a populated galaxy in my life time.
I understand the relentless nature of evolution. Evolution is passion, and you're a fool if you think that passion won't kill you where you stand.
This is how I understand technological growth. This is what my gift is. This is all I have to offer and today I pledge to stop worrying it isn't enough and realize it's more gift than any human born before me.
Posted by John at 11/22/2009 11:53:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: accelerating returns, future
Friday, November 20
Ghetto Stills
I've been on Flickr for years, but you can no longer link accounts and so here's reference to my old accounts.
And now...
Posted by John at 11/20/2009 12:09:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: photography
Wednesday, November 18
Medical science and philosophy combine to elaborate on the concept that many people alive today will live forever, thus altering the human condition forever.
But the idea that my life will stretch out that long.. it's stressful.
I can't manage with that thought and I wonder if suicide will rectify people who don't want to carry there share of responsibility for so long.
Then again, if you lived forever... you'd be very smart by the time you're 100 and still in decent health.
The realization is that one will need money for these therapies and they almost invalidate social health care.
Posted by John at 11/18/2009 01:20:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: accelerating returns
Friday, November 13
Idea for a Plot (Two)
A method for finding intelligent life.
I hope no one else has come up with this, and if so, I hope I'm rich comes when the time comes I use this in a story.
A planet is reached by robots. These robots are controlled by a sect of humanity which has gone into deep technological acceptance. I expect this may be 2-5% of the population by 2080 or so, these will be the people who exist in both virtual worlds, but also the physical.
The body these people accept is the body of an entire, planet sized workhorse. This is the plan.
1) mine the planet with a PERMANENT system of mines.
2) construct probes capable of travel with some form of machine sentience to report on.
As these are launched the mines go deeper and eventually 100% of the planets matter is systematically reformed into full size civilization finders.
3) meanwhile on the planet construct and maintain massive sub atomic experiments using colliders much larger than what we have now. We could imagine it as a method of developing faster than light travel.
This means it could be likely the last of the planets finder probes as you might call them would be traveling possible to further into the center of the galaxy.
I suppose it would also not be a bad idea to engineer some physical form once this post human civilization finds others.
Human form might not be a terrible choice.
What if there are other forces in this galaxy.
Posted by John at 11/13/2009 08:33:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: future