
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Monday, February 9

Technology Worship

I think eventually people will worship tech, because it's really one of the few things we can rely on.

It used to be that the divinity of belief came from the most intangible forces. That was thousands of years ago and I bet it started because some smart-ass scholar predicted technological evolution.

Science and Religion don't play nice at the best of time, so how could you worship technology? well the leaps and bounds in science help illuminate our world with new-found respect, but we still don't understand the 'why' as much as we did back in the dark ages. We do know more about 'how' though.
Your average student can use a personal computer - an appliance more complicated in its ability then many other things.

Why do we evolve this way? We strive for simplicity and purpose. We become more and more burdened with workload, as we are all motivated by self preservation anyway, technology just helps us achieve.

Morons that don't 'know computers' are a relic of the past. These days it's survival.

So, what happens when you believe in the next iPod. Or on evolving wireless infrastructures.

Last week Ar Technica published an artical suggesting our biological latin insignia be changed to Homo Evolutis. this is likely a prompt to Homo Technologis or something along those lines. Or possibly even neohuman.

We have more information at our disposal then ever before. We are the smartest generation and with each new birth we breed a generation that will follow us that has been exposed to this information for longer and with more volume. Not to mention improved techniques for delivering this information.

Think about the way the internet has evolved in the past 8 years. Think about how bots have influenced this design. Think about the IBM Sequoia project - the fast computer, which occupies 3000+ square feet calculating via simulation the process of nuclear fallout transmission in the atmosphere.


Because of that we will continue to evolve more and more quickly, and we are beginning to see a new race of humans linked with technology. And we can interpolate that technology is a changing face. Evolution in the biological mindset and Moore's law combining more and more each day to create... the future.

So, I ask is the future of our race not enough to worship? Is each new tech breakthrough not some form of transubstantiation? does it not give us abilities we could have only dreamt of before?

We reach this crescendo of performance at some point in the deep, dark future and I think that is worth devoting worship to. That is worth meditation. Because that is more real than the scripture could ever be. It is the way of life.