
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Monday, October 20

Video Professor on a boring Monday night.

Ok, so I just noticed the incredible similarity between the Video Professor of this happy company. Anyway video professor is up there. I suppose this isn't a very complicated similarity to realize.
Jack Layton (don't vote for him) is down there.

I stole this picture from their website. Like the Socialist party is going to come after me? Am I right? Anyway, just kidding Jack.
But these two fancy guys look quite alike. I'm not going to say that they're twins, but maybe, just maybe the Professor's grandpa got around alot.

Google already found the similarity when I searched the images section for "Video Professor" Thanks Google - you're a good friend.

Anyway, boring Monday night. This is what happens when you party too much.
