
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Monday, October 20

Video Professor on a boring Monday night.

Ok, so I just noticed the incredible similarity between the Video Professor of this happy company. Anyway video professor is up there. I suppose this isn't a very complicated similarity to realize.
Jack Layton (don't vote for him) is down there.

I stole this picture from their website. Like the Socialist party is going to come after me? Am I right? Anyway, just kidding Jack.
But these two fancy guys look quite alike. I'm not going to say that they're twins, but maybe, just maybe the Professor's grandpa got around alot.

Google already found the similarity when I searched the images section for "Video Professor" Thanks Google - you're a good friend.

Anyway, boring Monday night. This is what happens when you party too much.


Sunday, October 5



This is the
Luxeed Dynamic Pixel LED Keyboard.
Each key can be be programed to either change colors when you hit the keys or they can light up in individual colors constantly. These are only LED's though. Old news and what you're only paying for color. There are als
Remember that fancy dancy 'Optimus' Keyboard by Art Lebedev.
Each ke
y is a full 64 pixel OLED display.
102 key's of this space age technology is well above a grand.
Value? Not so much.
No one is denying that this is a sexy keyboard offered at a price that certainly reflects that.
The Luxeed wins in value.

But what about the future? Art has some things that they say they're going to go through with, but after the delays encountered by the first Optimus keyboard I dont think it's too likely to be seen in the near future.
I'll stick with the budget light up keyboard for now.
Or just a normal one and suck it up.
Just another commentary (not very well thought out) on input devices.

Thursday, October 2

Dollars and Sense

700 billion dollar bills.
That's like an office building of paper.
Think the first scene in Wall-E where there are those garbage sky scrapers? Kind of like that. That's what I imagine at first at least, but what about us Nuns in Canada?

If we had a trillion loonies.... I think Canada would tip over.
But seriously, our government boycotts paper money.

So...what's the point? A Canadian bailout would weigh a good deal more?
No that's a terrible finish.

Talladega Amp Energy 500 is on. Is that a good excuse? It makes me sound cooler than I am.

Wednesday, October 1

Life. Paused. Forever?

I can't remember what it was I wanted to discuss with my blog tonight. What does that sound like?
Does it make me sound needy?
Anyway, was I going to talk about my plans for dressing up this Halloween?
No, that's very lame.

I've got it. Let's talk about the title of my weblo, Potato Dragon.
Potato Dragon is a concept I would firstly like to manifest as an illustration. After it's illustrated I think it could become a fixture of juxtaposition. A Dragon image. Composed entirely of a Potato image.
What's a Dragon? A ferocious scale-icious beast. Fire breathing - all consuming.
Infact, I bet the idea of a dragon came around the same time man figured out how fire made meat taste good. A beast that could cook the meal and eat it...with the same fixture on their face!
That's innovation, that's what that is.

A potato is a lame piece of starch.
Starch is lame. It's beauty in simplicity, but small and complex.
Irish people love potatoes. We all eat a lot of potatoes - french fries and well, um?
For the most part these subsurface dense tubulars are quite boring.

Lame Fierce
What the hell does that mean?

That's all for now, folks!