
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Saturday, February 27

The Future of Gaming

Jesse Schell, a former Disney Imagineer currently teaches at the Carnagie Mellon Entertainment and Technology Center. Basically in this keynote, he's rationalizing the progression of 'games' in the real world using advanced technology.
Schell Games at Epcot, in the Innovations Pavillion

He outlines the fact that facebook applications have been an unexpected form of revenue generation and are now worth hundereds of millions a peice. He then uses the example of the new Ford dash to exemplify the fact that these games with arbitrary point systems are popping up more and more.

He eventually suggests that these point systems will take over more and more as the SPIMEworld is developed through electronics miniaturization.  Eventually you're entire day will be a game of MafiaWars or Farmville in which the priority goal is to earn as many points as possible. The duality of this concept comes from the fact that doing things better (ie brushing teeth - via touch senstive toothbrush; or reading a certain number of novels - via Kindle with eye-tracking support) will support the companies investing in the technology, but also it will encourage users to live a better life because there will be a more thorough and transparent competition going on between all people.

Very interesting. Very scary.

Tuesday, February 23

Kopin Golden i

Chris Pirillo brings us a new video highlighting this exciting new concept from Motorola. It's essentially a hands free wearable computer that gives the user the ability to voice control a complete version of Windows CE 6.0.

The exciting part about this is how it can apply to people working in the field. The device has an integrated digital compass, so as you rotate your orientation realtime and the image from the built in eye-peice adapts.

According to the break in the story from The Inquirer last September the device should be on sale within the year for about $2000.

Friday, February 12

Missile Defense Shield or "That Thing I've Seen Pictures of all my Life in PopSci"

Hey, this is a pretty cool image.
I hear all these rumors in the blogosphere about Obama and the missile defense shield. Like, it's not feesable, that we can't have it. That the current budget can't afford it.
Well, if you think that wacky program was off the rails for good I've got a picture for you!

This is a infrared imaging photo posted on Engadget, possibly my most frequented techblog.
The blob on the left is a air-based missile being dominated by the blob on the right, a project spanning multiple decades, Boeing's Missile Destroying 747.

Wicked stuff here

Thursday, February 11

Toyota Response

This was easier for Toyota than explaining to all the mechanics what to do.
And no, this is a put on by a major corporation, so I'm not worried about protecting these two schmoes privacy.

Now, I know that Toyota has been putting in alot of effort to make sure they resolve the gas peddle issue, but I find a Facebook reachout a little silly. Doug Coleman seriously did not sign up for this.

Wednesday, February 10

Red Eyed Robots

I was wondering why is it we commonly associate red eyes with evil. I guess it's from some biblical verse explaining demons in some physical detail. Was it always this way in literature? Where did it start?

I wonder if it was ever attempted on stage?
Anyway, early movies with AI and robots, like Metropolis didn't mainstream the trend.

It seems it wasn't until the heyday of 1980-1990's Hollywood that it was widely adapted and almost seems common.