
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Sunday, May 31

AI in the future!

Guy in car coming home from work. Let's call him Jim.

Jim is walking out of his office in the early afternoon after an especially bad day.
He is engaged in a conversation with an AI companion that is analyzing his PAN (Personal Area Network? So like, the nanomachines in his heart and lungs, some muscles, and what have you. His hand held device, and whatever visualizing device we have, so like... glasses with projectors)

AI: Jim, how are you feeling. Is everything ok?
Jim: Yes, how are my current stats looking?
Jim sees a representation of the AI as a gorgeous women who appears as a full resolution augmentation via stereo holographic scanning.
AI: Stress levels are a little above normal; heart rate and breathing.
Jim: Recommendations?
AI: A jog and I'll start preparing a new meal plan with the home appliance network

Jim walks to his car, enters.

Jim: Car, ignition. Manual Control.
Car: Car is active!
Car: Where do you want to go Jim!
Jim: Ugh, no car. Manual control.
Car: Rear sensors indicate not safe to do so! Auto control!
Car: Rear sensors clear! Safe for manua- not safe! Auto- Rear sen-
Jim: Fuck, car. Drive home.
Car: Auto control, Jim?

A speculation between man and machine in a soonish timeline.
Jim has a shitty old car, I'm afraid. A 2019 Aludillac Spectrion.

Tuesday, May 26

The Amish. I love them.

Do the Amish consider themselves activists?
I highly doubt that's a motivation, but rather a side effect.

I was just reading the entry on green anarchy through Wikipedia.

Made me think of it.
Green Anarchist's, to me, seem like normal people too stubborn to just deal with it like the Amish. Get on board with Jesus and live in the same space.

Or don't develop a evolved context of Good with these people, like through mutual respect and call it a Green Colony.
Circa 2041.

If that fails, make the air psychoactive, through nanotech medicine transfer.

Thinking of those Culture Preservation's from TransMet.

Friday, May 22

New Watch

I own a Suunto Core wrist watch now.
And for future benefit I have to link to an updated sea level barometric reading.
Thank Atheismo for Wolfram|Alpha.

Tuesday, May 19

Lost Season Five: A look back

Ok, so Lost season finale was a few days ago. Being late on the report will not stop me. Because I feel obligated to share so important connections I've made (and apparently so has JJ).

J.J. Abrams

J.J. Abrams as he is represented on Wikipedia

Current views of reality do not take into consideration the existence of time travel.
Speaking now of the minute scale of quarks in sub atomic experiments. These experiments are of course subject to the (albeit, in a droning tone) Law of Accelerating Returns. This makes time travel in the not-too-distant future plausible.

If JJ is an informed young man he no-doubt knows this.
What does this have to do with Lost?

Consider this idea: if time travel does exist in the close future (100-200 year time frame), in a way we can't yet imagine perhaps every moment of reality is the subject of alteration of our future-selves meddling in the past. Or perhaps not our future selves, but our godly offspring that transcends time, i.e. the neohuman singularity.

If this is the point of Lost then the nanomachine smoke makes sense, and the immortal Jacob. Both elements of very common science fiction based on technological trends of today.

So, how about JJ on Star Trek? Alternate time line created albeit accidentally but with the same, subtle ramifications. My current concept for Lost season six would be to have them in the future utopia where the world benefits from the power of the island (and hopefully also technology advancement), but it's clear that the island is somewhat of a metaphor for this trend.

A trend that is a major plot point in JJ's other work, Fringe.
Putting these pieces together is nothing new, but establishing that technology can be a spiritual guiding light is not.

This is what I believe we have here: a child of a technology era with a very special insight on how humans change themselves, and what it can mean on a flexible timescale. The latter of which is something he seems more focused on than me.

Yet, I think it is very clear that JJ Abrams does have an expectation for the Singularity. He seems motivated by this belief that the world is accelerating into something out-of-control.

My last point of evidence comes from the name of his production company 'Bad Robot'. Two words when combined spell the WORST CASE SCENARIO for future intelligent machines.

A Symbol

I want to get a tattoo. As several things have changed in myself in these recent months (culminating with my acceptance to Ryerson Theatre School) I feel I should immortalize my feelings. I want to get a tattoo.

So, it turns out the field of body modification is itself rapidly accelerating.
As we speak, med school mad scientists push the envelope for what can be done with the equation science + lust for piercings.

But, after doing minor research in the field I think the safest, most methodical process today is getting inked.

Sure, stitching the symbol I want with tiny I-hook piercings and thread (or oled wire)would be cool, but that's a lot of piercings and alot of upkeep. Alot of upkeep. Like a life-altering amount of upkeep.

So a tattoo it is.
But where? On the back of my head where it can easily be hidden with hair in my later adult life (or not).
The symbol?
'1.0' (no quotations) on the back of my head above the neck. In an OCR font, the one invented, or at least postulated by Ray Kurzwiel (think: credit card font).
Dark black.
I have to also tackle the challenge of keeping my head shaved and conditioning the skin.

Midway through July will be my goal for this experiment.

Friday, May 15

Let's see how focused this is at the end...

Ok, one big problem in my life is the following.
One of the things I'm working to resolve and build is the following.

Problem: beaming virtual reality into my consciousness.
At present, it's working ok with the current platforms at my disposal. Which are the same as almost everyone else. (Bluntly speaking, the LCD display is to what I'm referring) I'm implying the role of the evolution of technology to achieve our current champion).

But it is changing and it is changing quickly. It will plateau at this standard before it fully extends into a nanotechnology manifestation of our wild imaginations (though I am fully certain of that inevitability). This standard will be the minituraization of displays using lasers and continually shrinking, transistor-based displays (LCD >LCOS >OLED).

Consider for a moment the pico-projector. An invention that is the direct offspring of Moore's law of shrinking transistors and established digital light projection miniaturized mechanics. This is a sign that things are picking up. Although I immediately believe that projected displays creating a 15"-40" 2D image will lose popularity fairly quickly because of their lack of ease-of-use and tedious requirements (dark space, mostly blank wall, etc) I also believe that this will be a result of the current pico projector quickly transforming into two things: 3D projector with no spatial requirements such as a full 3D figure or a representation of a 2D screen in front of you (using nanotechnology and 'shape-shifting' particles to create a screen - something I have discussed in other notes - or, something that is an immediate variant of RealD's successful polarization technique). The other thing it will evolve more quickly into will be a new generation of HMD's.

Which brings me back to the topic of this wearable computer discussion, the method of absorption.

Likely this is where the wearable screen will come from. Frames with projectors in them. With or without glass.

The little white earbuds of tomorrow that block out the sun. (poetic expression fail)

But for today it would seem that the best technology is coming from lcos projections on semireflective glass. The new Vuzix product seems to be the first mainstream resale of a product like this. Though there are several other promising start ups.

These doors are just starting to open. Cell phones are gonna take on a much more permanent fixture on your face. And everyone will be plugged in.

This is where it will stay for a while. Before the singularity approaches these will likely be the communication tools of the futures.

I have to say that this is most certainly a problem I am working on. I would like to repurpose a pair of Vuzix glasses into a more retromorphed goggles. Passive augmentation at this scale, but access to Wikipedia/Google and a way to mount a video recording assembly.
Information availability and record keeping would be the goals I'd hope I can achieve my this time next year.

Using material understanding, seam stressing and basic understanding of current electronics I feel that one could achieve such a task.

These devices are on their way in, but a decision to do something like this would show leadership.

Thursday, May 14

Multipurposing Scaffolding...

As a loft bed to make room for a sofa and desk underneath.
I have found a couple Toronto-based resellers of the required materials, here(Russ Dilworth) and here (Don Fry), but I imagine that their stock may not be as wide as all of what's online. I have yet to verify this suspicion at the time of writing.

Online pricing suggests that $200 for a couple used frames and ledgers to go inbetween is reasonable and somewhat conservative from my perspective.

The advantage to buying a kit online is the powder coating option available.
The compromise would be to paint (with equipment and professional supervision) the used tubes and frames to make them appealing in a domestic environment.

The goal I'm considering now is to use a pair of frames that are 5 feet wide (exact for a queen mattress), and cross bracing diagonally.

I think that has something very close to what I want.
This image really reflects my intention, and of course, online material has that powdercoated edge.

Saturday, May 9

Toronto's Phallus #1

The CN tower is nice, sure. But it's effectiveness as a land-based radio transmitter really is cut in half because it's so close to the lake.

None the less I feel it would be sufficient in getting a signal dispersed across most of the city. a wifi signal.

The fact that it exists is quite pleasing. We can repurpose this engineering marvel to something current (or future) fairly easily.

Thursday, May 7

I must embed this. This is how I react to these people in real life. Not because they're nerds. But, because they're successful nerds.
I hope Intel does a series of these advertisements staring some of their newer ideas like wireless power.

Monday, May 4

3D computing

Aside from IBM's racetrack memory, there would appear to be a new form of three-dimensional memory.

The technology uses "loops of gold wires link the chips together and to an underlying circuit board". It must be a form of self-organizing nanotechnology.
The new start up coming up with this, planning on coming out 'next year' is called Vertical Circuits.

Things to look out for....

Saturday, May 2

Singularity University

SingularityU will be a big disappointment if it lasts only a year or two.

It would be nice to see the school succeed for several years.
I imagine that this time next year I will be considering asking the beginning questions such as:
Do I need a fully achieved degree in order for acceptance?
What kinds of things next year do I want to focus on next year for my tech portfolio?
I've considered the latter question in some other notes of my personal questions.

This entry is actually an attempt to record this idea so it means more in a future date.
The fee of the school is actually quite reasonable, and I imagine that competition will be fierce.
I can be very vague, but certain that my base in theatre will eventually lead to understanding the motivation in creating the next form of the theatre technology. Including capturing and projection (including eventually consciousness projection through AI controlled network of nanomachines in the brain. These are the products of the future being established, disguised in our everyday-advancements.
I feel that that's enough focus on the Singularity to make my presence at the school valid.

When I was looking up the original Digg article imaged above I witnessed the overall trend since 2006 (New Digg feature. Helpful).
The mark of focus on this idea from Digg users is really optimistic.
If we compare the same trend with the Google user data we see the following:

So, what we see very pronounced in the USA (using Digg), we can also see when we compare all countries and a wider user range. It takes a little bit of imagination, but it's there. A fun, new link is 'here'.