
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Saturday, September 27

In the training room....

I get to learn stuff today.
Right now I am at my place of employment ready to learn more about my place of employment.

The teacher is Hasan.
The material: Classic T training for the SBC account at IBM.

It would likely seem that I cannot actually blog about this today.
I'll leave you with this: I hate waking up early on Saturday's.

Thursday, September 25

These will be real soon enough

I think this is the greatest tattoo of a particular subject I admire - ever.

That subject is plugs.
I would like to start off by saying that no one in the Edison era ever tattooed a picture of the standard UL 110V outlet on their body.

We live in different times. And here we are, hopefully no further than a single generation away from a true mind-computer link.

So the idea of flattering both cyberpunk culture and the obscure inevitability of the 'Brain Plug' is sexy to me.

Why do I love this one the best? Well, the obvious Matrix-like inspiration is a clue to what's on the surface but my dear readers - there is so much more.

I do believe that the artist of this tattoo to be of an elite Matrix fan base and I can tell from some of the subtle, but most vital additions made to the original matrix design.

  • The person's a total fan
  • They added their birthdate? or some other date as a funky addition.
  • The numbers above look like hex code, could convert to ASCII - I'm too lazy to try
  • The most important part of the whole deal is the fact that the artist was able to convince a freaking awesome sense of depth - so that's amazing and I applaud that element because it really exemplifies the talent of the artíst.
This artist owner meant business.
I even think it belongs to a chick.
Found this bad boy here on Cat Tattoo.


Tonight I was once again surprised by the things my body does.
For example: I was lying down flat on my back on my bed with my lower legs dangling off the edge and I took a drink of water.
I felt the water in my mouth and I tried to swallow it.
I autonomously moved my tongue and I made the water come out of my mouth in a slow stream from the corner.
I laughed.

Why is this funny? Because I didn't really realize what I was doing until it was too late.
I had never sat down and thought about the way my tongue was moving in my mouth before.
Am I saying we all take our central nervous system for granted? Maybe I am.
More the the point it was more funny because I was drooling like a child with a mental illness.

This, obviously, fits because I am a child with a mental illness.