
Entertainment/ Extropianism/ Technology/ Theatre/ Tranhumanism
The Morganic Eye on Culture

Tuesday, July 29

Foam for money


And I am back in the sea of the minds of the internet's.
Swimming as it were, back in the intergalactic school of the fish that are consciousness.

I took a sidetrip home from work today to get some foam.
Old guy with a short beard helped me out.
He looked like his name might have been Seth.

Anyway, I go into this store because it's close to the office and I need this foam. The guy brings me into the workshop in the back of the store with all sorts of upholstery tools and all these materials.
I get my foam cut to the size, but he engineers a bigger piece of foam by welding two smaller ones.
Seth is a big car nut, but here he is at 60(?) doing reupholstery for a living. In the back corner of the shop was one of the nicest Stingray Corvette's I have ever seen. It was under a sheet of course.